Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's a wonderful life

You just know the world is good when Riley flases you one of her famous smiles. She is such a stinker but then she just will look at you and smile and what can I say, Your heart melts.

There is nothing so wonderful in life then to be up the river hiking , it seems to me that up there that you are just one with God. It is more than wonderful. There is such peace and as you look around you ., you see all the little miracles that the Lord has put there just for you. And you know with out a doubt, that he is very near.

This is a Lady slipper, she is a rare little flower that you are very privledge to see. We say about ten of them while hiking. I was awed at the tender beauty of this small little plant, and it determination to grow.

When you cousin tell you to put on his coat and that you will be invisable you believe it. but you are just a little worried that after all someone might know you are there after all.

The girls out hiking, tis is our hiking crew. They loved it. we had such a good day that day just walking in the woods. Enjoying the earth and singing to the top of our lungs.. After all. the hills need to be filled with music, it's the rule.

Friday, June 5, 2009

With spring comes many changes, one was I got a Mail box, a real mail box for down home in Winston, I get to walk right out the door and get the box. It took three months of wondering when and I got it in the day before I left. And yes, virginia, I do by some miracle get mail.
We always seem to have more projects to do when we go to Oregon then we have time to do. We have a very special friend who comes and lends a hand and it seems that if he is promised pinocle and dinner, he comes and works hard, We never repay him for all he does and he always does a fantatic job and it is just what I wanted... This spring we decided we really needed to take out that old broken slider, it has been on the honey do list for some time. and I had a vision of what it would look like and all I can say is I was not disappointed. It makes me want to be right down there getting the rest of the vision completed.

WE also took out the hedge from the front yard, it has been on the refusing to florish list for many years. Well the poison oak and the blackberrys seemed to survive and florish and the hedge just died. We also cut back the Laural tree hoping that it will spring back. but all in all it gave ths house a new look. Still lots to do as always... the list never seems to grow shorter, but longer and longer. It will work, I am sure that it will work and end up wonderful in the end...
Ka-Rynn reaction to Oregon is what the heck, I did not come to Oregon to work my entire vacation. I came to run barefoot in the sand at the Ocean. She is after all my child and does not care what the weather, she loves the Ocean. SOmewhere in our blood there must of been many a sea faring men. I guess Starting with Thomas West who came to America in 1609...

Spring in Oregon was pretty awesome and more so when Jon and his family came. Maggie like those before her. loved the Ocean, Windy weather and all she was out there enjoying the sand.. Barefoot of course.

The rain and the sun came and went. and Umberella I found works for both, and the old boat cleaned up made a very wonderful place for girls to hang out... and I found out that rubber fit many feet.
Spring came and went too fast. Then it was time to load up and go home to Idaho. I was anxious to get home, but also sad to leave Oregon behind. This business of going back and forth it rough.. It was an adventure, There are so many things I love at both ends of the road. but all in all I like Joel at the same end of the road as I am.
Work is still going slow up here, but he is working and so retirement is still on hold, we are hoping for a while yet. Who know what tomorrow will bring, but this we know, sunshine or rain, we will love it. For each day is a great day. Each day has so much to give and so much to offer. I stand all amazed always at how God hand is always in our lifes. Just when I think things are not going to work, they do. Just when I think I have taken off more than a can chew, a miracles walks through the door. Life like Joel says, Is fantastic, so have a fantasic day.