Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ka-Rynn was double 2 on the 16th.. So the A' boys and Josh came over and cooked for her. Aaron was the chief chef.. Everyhing was wonderful and we all enjoyed a good mean and I think the kids enjoyed a fun night.  Friends are just great to have and we love all the kids running in and out and at times feel a little lost when the house gets a little to quiet.  I am thinking Josh s wondering just what in the heck his wife is doing.   And of course Sally and Rynn.   It was fun to bad that my camera did not have it's memory card in or we would of had more pictures.. SMILE..    Ka-Rynn has of course grown up to fast. She is sassy and outspoken and yet she has a sweet heart at times she seems to not know what direction she wants to go in and at other times she know but it seems that while she is swimming down stream everyone else is swimming up.. She has this fantastic laugh and smile and when she is good she is very good.. SMILE. always has been so..   She is herself and I love it..  Happy Year and hope all is wonderful and well and that this year is the most precious and wonderful year of you live.. 
Thomas west is our great great ancestor.. he came to America in 1609 ..  eventually the West line married into the Brownings , whom also came to America early.. Thomas did not last long in America but was the first govenor of Virginia and also Deleware was named after him> Yep and all this time I thought the Deleware Indians gave the state the name and it was just the opposite..  Thisis the only picture I could find of Jon, but he and Thomas look like brother.  More so then Jon looks like his own brothers.. It has amused and amazed us for a long time and make me realize that I was not found under a cabbage patch after all but do come from that Browning stock..   I love family history.. it is to me, Our history is so interesting, no matter where we came from. There are so many stories out there of just ordinary people that  had to be so fascinating , I  wish people had left more for us to  know..  I hope we leave a better legacy behind..  
So what belongs to who. And what belongs to me?  I think Joel belongs to me. That is what works for me at any rate.Joel always checks things out.. but and one of his pet peeves is car stickers,, expesially ones that advertise.. He is cleaning one off.. The only sticker I ever had on a rig.. was I would rather be scouting. It was still on the rabbit till the day we sold it.. I do not know why Joel let me keep it. Maybe because I loved scouts..  Man was that a long time ago..   I was in scouting for twelve years and then did merrit badges for more years...   I love it..    Well here it is. the Jeep, all set up with my Nette plates.. Pronounce Nett .. Incase anyone was wondering.. SMILE. It will do. I hope it has the opportunity to be a part of many adventures..  It does have it token book of Mormon in it.. Not for pertection but for my perfection.. It comes in handy when I find my self with a few spare moments here and there..  I am tonight glad to be sitting her and not in pain and ready to go to Winston for our first outing..    I am actually thankful for life. My life.. I am grateful for the I have all around me. and for God  hand as it is ever in my life.. I am grateful for all my children. They make me laugh, at times they make me cry but I love them all so much and think they are all so wonderful .. I love adding to this family.. It has been great to have  Josh become a part of it,,,  I hope that we keep adding and growing ,  I love the friends that have become family and I love it when they come here and call it home..     I hope our  hearts and home will be opened to all in Oregon. That we can always  have a  welcome matt out..   


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hey sweetheart just incase I didn't tell you,, I love you so much...    Hey.. Daddy did I tell you I love you..  Well there she goes our little girl. She grew to fast.. She has always been full of so much love and surprises and a song in her heart..   Goshe love her.Well here is our Baby.. Sure glad we get to at least keep her for a while. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The life of my tracker has came to and end..

Oh, my sweet little tracker.. I will miss you so much..You have been my friend and we have traved so  many roads together.. Whew..     No glass left and everything just bent...

There are somedays when you know that you should of just stayed in be.. I had and errand and I forced my self out the door to do it. Then I decided I would take Shannon copy of her wedding pictures to her.. as she needed to get play with them as I sure have had a lot of fun with them the past few days..   I was on third street and somehow someway just went in front of  ( Yes Chris ) a dodge..

All at once  was just bounced into and the glass flew and I did too..I am a little bruised and sore but fine.. You know  four adviles do, do wonders for you.. I bear my testimony that the Lord loves me.. I do not have a doubt..   So many times I just marvel at this.. I am but a speck of Sand but my  Father know me..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I do not think that life could work without friend and family.. It seemed to me when things just got so crazy, that Rynn and Cassie stepped in and were there to make this day of Shannons and Josh's the most wonderful. And then there was Gabby, whom gave us so many smiles and was so cute. She was such a wonderful part of the evening and she just floated back and forth from the bride to the groom. She told everyone. Shannon has a surprise for Josh.. It of course was the dress..  She was way to cute.. Gabby and Josh. She loves her big brother. and he is so cute with her.. A wedding is not a wedding without family. Friends..Hey we did it hun..I Love this one as Josh looked at Shannon, such a tender moment.

As I read my New year post I stated what a lot of changes had come to pass this year and I wondered what the New Year would bring. It has been so far an amazing year.. And also a year we know that a lot of prayers will be  needed..  The second of January Josh was baptised. It was one of the most wonderful baptism I have ever attended. The spirit was there so strong that I stood all amazed. The same was true the next day as he was confirmed a memeber of the Church again I stood amazed at the love that seemed just to pour out at all who were there.. 
 It seemed to me that Josh and Shannon crammed more into the month of January then most people cram into years.. It was a interesting and long month.. Ending with a wedding a wedding planned for Feburuary.. It was pretty awesome. Wedding cake is a wonderful thing.. Some simple as Shannon was and some cake way over the top. The cake anyway this one reflects the bride and groom. Shannon put the final touches on their cake Thursday night and it set there as in anticipation of the day to come. The wedding also was amazing.. It seemed to me that the Lord loves these two and  has a great many  plans for them.  Life is what we make it. Life can be wonderful or not. it is our choice. If we choose to look for the good in other we shall surley find it. In marriage each day as I awake, I say a silent prayer of thanks and gratitude for the fine man whom I share my life with..  I look at him and think of all I have because of his love for me..  If we but take time to be grateful for those we love I think that the world works better, anyway my world does..   So we go on, what will the rest of the year bring.. I have no clue.. I  just know that we are going to go forward with it and  love it.. There will be times when we will be on bended knee.. I am sure tears will flow. but I hope all in all the happiness will abound. That we will remember just to have bad moments not to let bad moments take over our days , that can and should be filled with light and love and laughter..   

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It was a wonderful wedding ,  We just loved every minuet of it..  I love the pitcure of Shannon and Josh's little sister as Shannon kneels down and say. Now we are sisters...
Wedding cake should always be yummy and fun..  There was a lot of fun. Josh did underestimate his wife and ended up with a lt of cake in his face.. It was just one of those most wonderful nights..

Shannon and Josh  The new Mr and Mrs Joshua Walters.. Married Feb 5th 2010... At Rathdrum Idaho.  Once a long time ago. There was a little bouncy red head that lived at our house.. Whom was sure she could take care of the world.. She grew and bounced and we loved it.. Somewhere along the away.. She just bounced into the heart of Joshua Makaala Walters and he grabbed ahold and held her tight.. She who always squirmed free from too long of and embrace.. Just snuggled and stayed put and so the boy ended up  deciding he would keep her...