Friday, August 28, 2009

I went to cub scout day camp a couple of weeks ago, They had there own Abe Lincoln. Wonderful story teller and the boys were all in awe of him.
Camp Easten has been there since 1928. I am not sure how many acres it , but it is a lot, it is a beautiful spot.

More of camp Easten and one of the little cabins that I think are really cute, the oldest was built in 1938 or so.

Nothing more touching then the cubs raising the flag. Here the flag is not forgotten but raised and lowered each day with a touching heartfelt ceremony.

This is actually round lake and Curt is off in the distance on his boat, I love to go on the lake with my boat and my book, and just relax. He of course he fishes, it is too much trouble for me.I after all have passengers on my boat, I take the dogs. Quiggley has love going with me and now Cora is great to take. They just sit there and watch the water and keep track of me. They are my buddies. I guess they replace the kids, I need something to keep me busy.

The rocks are just awesome up the St. Joe the colors always amaze me, this if from my boat and the rocks are about ten to fifteen feet deep, the water is so clear and wonderful.
When I got up huckle berry picking I have to climb to the top of the Mountain and look down, The bittersweets go on and on and on as if there is no end. I just love to stand and take it all in. I see lots of evidence in the form of droppings from bear and moose, but so far have not run into one. I miss my faithful old Webster whom romped through the brush making sure that nothing was up ahead. He is to old to take anymore, the heart is there but the body does not work like it used to.

Another view from the top of the mountain, it was one of those wonderul North Idaho days where the clouds just rolled in and kept us cool but it no rain. Usually it waits till night to rain, and from the top of a mountain the lightening can be magnificant.

My frog child, I think he was born with gills. He had me perched upon the top of the railroad bridge. and so I did what any mother would do, I took pitcures. He was checking out to see if he could find any sucker fish. He and his buddy goal is to rid the water of these fish that take away habitat from the trout. He always scouts out good fishing holes to come back to on the pontoon boats. One of our favorite pass times.

More rocks , I keep hauling them to Oregon. I have a little bit of Idaho in my front yard. Plan to do more with them down there. Summer is such a wonderful time here in N.I. It never seems that we have enough of it, even now you can feel that fall is sneaking in, The nights are always cool here even in the heat of summer, but as fall rolls around the air begins to turn crisp. I have loved it. I will miss it t his year as I head out in September to Oregon. I will miss it when we move down for good. But new miracles and wonders await wherever one goes. Life to me is amazing and wonderul, it does not ever matter where we are, there is something there to enjoy and adventure happen in our own back yard if we just are willing to look for them.