Saturday, January 9, 2010

I hate the cold, I hate being cold and if it is cold  I think we should all just become hermits and stay home.. Like the bear go to bed and wake up to spring. 
 My thought go to summer, we has some pretty good days,  Shannon and I made a trip to Burke Idaho, I love Burk it is unique, there is not place on earth like Burke, my only regrett is that I did not get to go visit in it hey day.                                                                                                                                               
It was built over a creek , infact the hotel had the creek running through it as well as the railroad and road. I am not sure how that worked as it is all gone now except the pilings and a few logs.  What a great day that must of been.  Burke was of course a mining town, and as you go up there you see the scars of it.  You also see houses yet that are built right up to the mountian..  They are so fascinating.     Burke would be a great place to live if there was not a thing we call winter..  It is at any rate a great place to go and visit, it is just outside of Wallace Idaho, also a must on the go see places of Idaho.

Friday, January 1, 2010

What the new year here already, I did not have time enough in the last one and now you tell me I have to start all over... This year has brought to us many changes. Life never stands still.  There are times when I would like to just say, hold on stop. I would like to say, go back, I want to do that over again, and yet the time just keeps ticking away and it gone and a new day dawns and we get up and have a go at life again.
In this year I have had some nearly perfect days, and some far from perfect one.  There have been days when I have came to the end of them, thinking, that was one wonderful day. And have been so grateful for it.There have been days when I have wondered if I could make it through. Those wonderdays it seems to me are the ones when I have just had the pleasure of enjoying my family. Having one or more gathered in one place, Have talked to one across the ocean and got to see them on web cam. Those days that were hard also involved family, for when the ones we love hurt in anyway, we also hurt, and I always want the best for those I love.
Of course to me as ever, my best days are when I am in the open air, out enjoying what God had created. Up on the top of a mountain, with the dogs.  Or walking the ocean beaches.  I love it, I love that I have two legs that still work and eyes that see and ears that hear.  I treasure those things as who know who long I will have working body parts.. SMILE... 
My goals this year is just to work on being a healthy me, so I can keep enjoying those I love and the simple things I love.  What comes will come, and I may be off on some great adventure and I may be at home in my simple sweet house in Oregon or the rambling one in Idaho. but where ever I am. it is home.   Home after all is just an illution of stick and stone, the real home is in our hearts. The real home is family.  I have always felt that as long as I have my scriptures and a warm place to sleep and something to eat it is home.  Home is a magical place, where love abounds.  In the summer it is my camper. I am happy with that little space and content there for long stretches at a time.  It does not take much to be happy, it just takes love. And not just love for each other, it takes the Love and faith of our Savior, I have found as I invite him in, now matter where I am, it is home and it is good and wonderful.
So my New year goal is to draw nearer to him, to understand more what he wants of me. and to go and do it.
 Happy New Year. it will after all be what we make it. Happiness is found all around us, if we are just willing to take a hold of it and call it ours.

So what in the heck is the New year going to bring. Do we know, are we ready are we prepared for anything that will happen.
 Come what may, it is in fact here.  It snuck in in the middle of the night, I went to sleep with on year and woke up to the next. Gosh, I tried to make it to midnight, but have been keeping to late of nights and just could not make it.  Where is my determination and will power, all I had was one more hour.  Well maybe next year.