Daniel took us to this really cool place called Fantasy Canyon.. The kids loved it. They are just kids that are waiting for adventures to happen...
Derrick of course had to play it up. This place was right our of star wars and he loved it...
Heathe as ever was working hard to keep up with the kids and wht they were doing, she always has this great humor and good attitude..
Owen he just slept all thought it, all snug in his bed, which his dad carried the whole way.. Daniel is a great dad and always make the adventure worth it... Thanks Dan we loved it..
Owen is just this mellow little kid that you can not help but just want to snuggle with.. Hope he stays that way, Heather said, I hope I get a mellow kid this time, hope so to, but the other two are way cute..
Derrick loves his Little brother, he said. " Thanks mom for bringing us this new baby home..
Riley is happy if you feed here.. Here she is eating strawberrys.. She has these big blue eyes that work well , because she is so hard not just to love no matter what she is into or what she had done, and then she has this big old flashy smile that wins you over right away.
Her is Riley with dad looking at the puppy. She loves the puppy and thinks coco came to her house just for her.. She is indeed a puppy hog.