Yep I am looking forward to Ocean beaches.. It will feel good to run to the coast and excape the heat. trying to find a day when that will work and work well for me..
Sorry Cora that you did not get to come with me to Oregon. But you are after all Joels dog.. Hope you are taking good care of him.
There are many times in my life that I am wondering what way I am traveling.. Seems as if, that I tend to find a road that I have never traveled before.. one thing that is pretty constant is my friend and buddy who at this moment is right beside me.. He is my shadow and althought a little spoilt around the edges my bud.. It does not seem that he is 4 and half years old, the years have gone too fast, they slip away and are gone before we know it.. Quiggers and I are now in Oregon, we have been joined by Shannon and Falcore and Coco, or Beans.. has came back to live with us. She was loved by Heather family, but after some thought and tears and choices she came back to live with Grandma as Heather has her hands full of little hands and sweet smiles and needs to concentrate on them.. They have moved into a appartment in Bontiful Utah.. I think all are glad to have their family back together. Aunt Rynn was excepted at school in Moscow so is on her way to new adventures and new things, Her time in Vernal was good. She learned she needed to get her education.. That growing up is going to be fun and challenging. Life is always rather interesting.. It is a great puzzle with many pieces that we need to put together, some fit quickly into place, some are hard to fine, others seem to fit but when we try them, they do not. Sometimes we take those pieces and try to force them to fit, just knowing they are the right ones. Only to discover they are not, and not matter how hard we try they do not work.. Then we have to start looking once again, for the right one, and sometimes it is hard to find it, infact sometimes we have to go and work on another part of the puzzle and leave be the piece we are looking for, and when we do, all at once there it is rigth in front of us and we marvel that it is found and it fits, and fits well . In life we are all looking for those pieces that fit and fit well and when we find them oh, how good that is.
Shannon hasd came to Oregon with me. Josh is off playing army.. He is missed by his sweet wife.. She misses his witt and teasing and bossing. She misses him at night, she is sleeping with me.. So for all the men out there whom have slept with a pregnat wife, I now relate to how hard that is, She seems never to find a comfortable spot and is turning and twisting all night long.. I am tired and needing a good nights sleep and the heat is not helping.. SMILE.. Got to love her.. We actually only have one Queen sized bed here. Thinking when I came down this time I would come with my bed , I sold the two full beds that were here.. SMILE.. Going to order me a memory foam from Costco this week.. Just do not tell my husband.. SMILE...
Gosh Maggie I am going to miss you.. Maggie has grown up fast from that little girl whom super glued her eye shut summers ago to a preteen.. She is awesome and fun most of the time.. SMILE.. Where did the years go, how did they slip by so fast. When did those chubby little hands and feet grow so big, and where did that wit and humor come from.. They have grown so fast these children and I miss the little ones they once were but I marvel at who they have become.
So now I am in the land of barns and farms and sheep.. Down home, I love barns but no, I do not have one or live by one, just search them out to paint.. I live at the beginning of town. No not the edge of town but the beginning. I live down the street from 7 eleven and the pizza place, in a little green house with a chain link fence and pink and red roses and a fushia bush, and a cedar tree that gives me wonderful shade.. I live two blocks from church and 7 miles from Roseburg.. and 60 miles from the mountains and 60 miles from the coast... I will miss my Idaho mountains and the snow.. I will miss much, but in missing much I also gain so much more.. I gain a house that is easier for me to take care of.. Traditions and family .. I gain a awesome ward family that I have already grown to love. And New adventures.. I will miss my grandchildren, but am so pleased to know that I will have a new grandchild born and Oregonian.. I will enjoy Temple trips with the sisters.. and I know God has plans for me.. It will not only work this Oregon adventure we are partaking, it will work well. For I believe if we are true and faithful. God just lets everything else we need fall into place. I do not know what he has planned, or how it will be, but I know this, it will be good, for I have been blessed with that knowledge.. Thank You Lord for your love. Thank you for you insite. Thank You for my kind husband who pushes me on , incourages me forward, tells me I am marvelous and wonderful and sweet and kind.. ( It gets him far and he is a smart man )