Sometimes snow is fun, but when you fall and get a face full, you find out real fast that is is cold. Derrick will play out side for a long time, with out mittens as who wants to have mittens they just get in you way, but a little snow in the face and he was finished for the day. He has livened up Grandma's house, Heather and the kids came the weekend after Thanksgiving, Daniel has been working in Vernal Utah. Not as much snow there, but we heard it was still pretty cold. Heather and the kids should be moving down there in a month or so if everything goes right.
The Tenth of December when everything was still green here in the North, as I was going down the Road, Not really into the Christmas Spirit yet, Because everything after all was still green, and we all know Christmas does not come to North Idaho unless it snows, I am sure that is some kind of rule or something. At any rate here I am driving down third street, and what to my amazement should appear. Well not reindeer, but a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St Nick and his side kick Santa. For there were two on the crazy old big, waving and laughing as they rode out of site. Wishing a Merry Christmas to one and to all.
And sometimes when you just have shoveled one more shovel than you thought you could, You call on a brother to come and lend a hand. Shannon is care taking dogs and a house for the Holidays, and it has snowed and snowed and she has shoveled and shoveled. She called and Curt came to the recue, It seems to me he gets in on a lot of our projects. and he always does it with a great attitude and we love him for it. He is more than willing to lend a hand and do what ever we seem to need done. He is loving school and hates work but knows with out the one he can not do the other. He said, he wished he had realized how much he loved learning years ago...
Well sometimes the snow gets so deep in the back yard that Someone has to lend a hand. Joel made a snow run for the dogs. Quiggle was not to sure about it, Stepper ran around it and around it in circles. Webster after all is Webster, he just plowed through the snow, made his own path and was happy, He is getting old and stiff, but that does not mean that he still doesn't make a run for it if the front door is open, but it has almost got to th point that I can out run him. I do not know whether to cry or jump for joy. He has been a great addition to our family for so long. Merry Christmas Webster....
I not dreaming of a white Christmas for we have in our own back yard, The tree tops glisten and snow drifts swiften.. as we drive along our merry way. How can you not just wonder at the beauty of it adn as it comes falling down more and more, you think wow that is pretty till it is time to shovel and plow. and even then you love it. It is just the way it is..
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